The past few years i’m creating my own 3D printable designs. But since 2023, i wanted to do this at a next level. You can read more details about this here!

My older designs are more simplistic and also the pictures i made from them are pretty basic. But from 2023, i want to create good looking 3D printable products that can make everyone’s life easier.

So that means every product has to be very useful for almost anyone. Tray’s, stackable crates and that kind of things are really my thing to design. I also use a photo box to make pictures of my 3D designs. You can buy a Puluz Photo Box at eBay or AliExpress though my affiliate links when you like to support what i do. At least if you also want to photograph products ; -).

Another way to support my work is to join my Patreon. You can just support me, but you can also get access to my 3D models with the Access To My 3D Files (Also On Request) tier. By being an active member of my Patreon, you get a commercial license for all the 3D models i made. You have permission to download, use and alter my 3D files. These are 3D print designs and (more simple) FreeCAD models i used in my videos.

You are not allowed to sell and distibute the digital files. But you have persmission to sell physical 3D prints that are made from my files (also remixed). Other usage is for personal use only. Your commercial license expires when you cancel your Patreon membership.

There’s a drawer and two trays where you can put in whatever you want. You can also use it outside your kitchen of course.

Below you can watch my video about a kitchen tray i designed and use myself. There’s a drawer and two trays where you can put in whatever you want. You can also use it outside your kitchen of course.

One of my designs you can download

Want to know more? Then check out this website or my YouTube channel about 3D printing by clicking the button below. Thank you!