Slicer Software

The Slicer I Use

I Use Simplify3D

It has a lot of options and i paid only once to get a lifetime license. There are a lot of great open source slicers out there, but i think i will stick with Simplify3D. The main reason is that i'm used to it and i already paid for a license.


  • Dual Extruder Support
  • Live Preview
  • Clear Interface

What Is A Slicer?

A slicer will prepare a 3D print for you. When i create 3D models, i use STL files. These STL files can be loaded into a slicer. The slicer will create a so called gcode that let the 3D printer know what to print. That code will ‘remember’ all print settings entered in the slicer software.

Other Slicers

Simplify3D is not the only slicer in the world. There are also non paid open source options like Ultimaker Cura for example.